Six Jing diagnosis –Special type of Taiyang stage  

Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683



2h. 六经辩证-太阳病特殊类型

2h. Six Jing diagnosis –Special type of Taiyang stage



There are some special types of syndromes in the Taiyang stage:

(1). 太阳病, 头痛发热, 身痛, 腰痛, 骨节疼痛, 恶风, 无汗而喘者, 麻黄汤主之.

(1). In the Taiyang stage, the patient feels headache, fever, pain in lower back and in joints, dislikes wind, has no sweat but has asthma, use Mahuang Tang for the treatment.

(2). 太阳病, 脉浮紧,发热恶寒,身疼痛,不汗出而烦躁者,大青龙汤主之。

(2). In the Taiyang stage, the pulse is floating-tight, ant the patient has fever and chilly, has pain in the body, has no sweat, but feels irritated, use Da Qinglong Tang.

(3). 太阳病,无大热,背微恶寒, 口燥渴,心烦者,白虎加人参汤主之。

(3). In the Taiyang stage, the patient has no strong fever, but feels slight cold on the back,  feels dry in mouth and thirsty, and feels irritated, use Baihu plus Rensheng Tang. (This is actually a co-exist of Taiyang and meridian phase of Wind-attack Yangming stage).

(4). 太阳病表不解,心下有水气,干呕发热而咳,或渴、或利、或噎、或小便不利,少腹满,或喘者,小青龙汤主之。

(4). In the Taiyang stage, the patient has nausea but no vomit, has fever and cough. The patient may have also thirsty, or diarrhea, or harsh feeling in throat, or difficulty in urination and bloating feeling in lower stomach, or has asthma, use Xiao Qinglong Tang.

(5). 伤寒中风, 脉浮缓,身不疼,但重,乍有轻时,无少阴证者,大青龙汤发之。

(5). In the Wind-attack Taiyang stage, the pulse is floating-slow, and if the patient feels heavy of the body, which is worse some times, but less other times, but no pain, and if there is no evidence for Shaoyin stage,  use Da Qinglong Tang for the treatment.

(6). 发热恶寒, 汗出, 脉洪大, 若形似疟,一日再发者,汗出必解,宜桂枝二麻黄一汤。

(6). In the Taiyang stage, the patient has fever and chilly, sweat, and has big-wave pulse. The syndrome looks as Malaria and it comes and goes in the same day. For such case, the symptoms will be cured with sweat therapy. Use Guizhi two Mahuang one Tang. (It means use two parts of Guizhi Tang and one part of Mahuang Tang)

(7). 太阳病,得之八、九日,如疟状,发热恶寒,热多寒少,其人不呕,清便欲自可,一日二、三度发,脉微缓者,为欲愈也;脉微而恶寒者,此阴阳俱虚,不可更发汗,更下更吐也;面色反有热色者,未欲解也,以其不能得小汗出,身必痒,宜桂枝麻黄各半汤。

(7). In the Taiyang stage for eight to nine days, the symptoms occur as Malaria. The patient has fever and chilly, but more fever than chilly. No nausea. The urination and bowel movement is normal. If such fever-chilly symptoms come and go for two to three times and the pulse is slightly slow, it means the disease is to get recovered. If the pulse is weak and tiny, and the patient feels chilly, it means the both the Yin and Yang are in deficiency. Sweat therapy, colon-cleansing therapy or vomit therapy should not be used. If the face is red in color, it means the disease is not to get recover, and it means that the Xieqi could not be depleted away through slight sweat. In such case, the body will feel itch, and it needs Guizhi half Mahuang half Tang for the treatment.  

(8). 太阳病,发热恶寒,热多寒少,脉微弱者,此无阳也,不可发汗,宜桂枝二越婢一汤。

(8). In the Taiyang stage, the patient has fever and chilly, but more fever than chilly. The pulse is weak. It means that the body is lack of Yang Qi. Sweat therapy should not be used, but use Guizhi two Yuebi one Tang for the treatment. (It means to use two parts of Guizhi Tang and one part of Juebi Tang for the treatment)

When we say that the condition is in the Taiyang stage, it means the patient has floating pulse, feels tight and pain on the head and neck. The patient may or may have no fever, running nose, sour throat, but has no dry mouth, no thirsty, no hot-dislike feeling, e.g. no sign indicating Yangming and Shaoyang stages.



 Millwoods Acupuncture Center is located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and serves Edmonton and its surrounding area, including: St. Albert, Big Lake, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Devon, Beaumont, Sherwood Park, Calgary, Red Deer and Whitecourt, Barrhead, Westlock, Wetaskiwin, Camrose, Fort Saskatchewan, Grande Prairie. Our clients also come from Vancouver and Saskatoon.