Disorders during pregnancy - Acupuncture can help

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102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683




Treatment of illness during pregnancy by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)



During pregnancy, the common problem is abortion, nausea, lower blood pressure, malposition, post-term pregnancy, etc.


Protection of pregnancy (Tocolysis)

保胎对于以前有过习惯性流产的人来说非常重要。中医多用保胎无忧散, 或者锡纯寿胎丸或绍功保胎方治疗。原则之一是补肾调脾胃以及胎前要清,可用白术10g,黄芪10-15g、当归10g、制黄精10g,苏梗 10g,黄芩 10g.

To protect pregnancy is so important to whose of women who had a previous history of abortion. Chinese medicine use herbal formula Bao Tai Wu You San, Xi Cun Shou Tai Wan, or Shao Gong Bao Tai Fang. All work to nourish the Qi and Blood circulation in the uterus, increase the tolerance of uterus to physical or emotional stimulation. 


Common Cold


Common cold within the first three months of the pregnancy may increase the chance of malformation rate of fetus, especially for virus infection or infection with toxoplasmosis which is more possible in family with cat as pet. Therefore, it is very important to solve the common cold or any infection during the first months of the pregnancy. Principally, the way to treat the common cold during the pregnancy is the same as it usually without pregnancy. 


Nausea and vomit during early pregnancy


Nausea is one of common pregnant reactions. In most cases, it is not so difficult for Chinese medicine to stop the nausea. We normally use herbal formula Gan Jiang Qin Lian Tang, Dao Tang Tang, or Chai Ping Yin. All work well.


However there is a tip to drink the herbal tea by the pregnant woman. Drink the tea one hour after meal. Before drink the tea, cut a piece of fresh ginger, smear the ginger on the tongue, then drink the herbal tea sip by sip. Do not drink the herbal tea all in once.


Hypotension in pregnancy


For women with low blood pressure during pregnancy, simply drink tea prepared from north America ginshen. It is good enough in most cases. Otherwise, use herbal tea Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, or Wu Mei Tang (with white sugar).


Poor appetite


To improve appetite during pregnancy, use herbal formula Ping Wei San, with addition of herb Ji Nei Jin, or Sha Ren. Or use Xiang Sha Si Jung Zi Tang. 


Mal-position of fetus

胎位不正多采用艾灸治疗。常用穴位是至阴穴,位置为小趾末节甲根旁 0.1寸处。用艾灸灸此穴位15-20 分钟,每天1-2次。配穴:隐白、三阴交、京门至胎位转正后为止。一般需要1-5 次治疗。成功率为80% 妊娠七个月者成功率最高,八个月者次之。六个月前不必治疗。以横位转胎成功率最高,臀位次之、足位最差。另外尚有一定复变率 艾灸时间最好选择在胎动较为频繁的时间进行。

Mal-position of fetus is usually improved by the use of moxibustion therapy. The commonly used acupuncture/moxibustion point is the Zhi Yin point, which is located on the edge of the small toe. Use moxi to warm the point for 15 to 20 min, once or twice a day. Other points can also be used are Yin Bai, San Yin Jiao and Jing Men. Repeat the moxi therapy until the fetus position becomes normal. Usually it needs one to five times of such moxibustion treatment. The successful rate is about 80%.

Usually, the seventh months of pregnancy has higher success rate than the eighth month. It is not needed to do such moxibustion before six month of the pregnancy since there is chance in which the position becomes normal in later months. Vertical position is easiest, the hip position is second, and the foot position is the most difficult to correct with the moxibustion therapy. The best time to do the moxibustion is whenever the fetus movement is most frequent during the day.


Some doctor may also use acupuncture on the Zhi Yin point for mal-position of the fetus, but moxibustion is used much more commonly. We also prepare a fresh ginger mud, apply the ginger mud on to the Zhi Yin point. Fold it and leave over night to correct the mal-position. We can also use herbal therapy: Huang Qin and Su Gen (10 g each). Drink the herbal decoction every day.


Expedite delivery


Either acupuncture or Chinese herbal therapy can be used for expedite delivery. For acupuncture, the commonly used acupuncture points are San Yin Jiao, He Gu, Tai Chong , Zhi Yin, and Ci Liao. However, acupuncture or herbal therapy will not be used if the woman is with the following conditions:  placental insufficiency, total placenta praevia, antepartum eclampsia, or placental abruption, etc.

For Chinese herbal therapy, the herbal formula used depend on the body condition of the pregnant woman before delivery:

1. 气血虚弱证  

辨证依据 妊娠逾期半月无产兆。头晕乏力,气短懒言,心悸怔忡,面色苍白,舌淡嫩,脉细弱无力。用 八珍汤加香附、枳壳、牛膝。


If the woman feels dizziness, blurring vision, short of breath and no desire to talk, feels palpitation, has pale face, prink tongue color and weak-thin pulse, it means herb body has insufficient Qi and Blodd. Use the herbal Formula Ba Zhen Tang, with or without addition of Huang Qi, Gou Ji Zi, or Gui Ban.



 胸腹胀满不舒,烦躁易怒,下腹疼痛拒按,舌紫黯或有瘀点,脉弦涩有力。方药 三黄引产方当归、枳壳、川芎、红花、川牛膝、生大黄、生熟地、生蒲黄、冬葵子、龟板、黄芪、甘草。

If the woman feels bloating in the chest or abdomen, easy to be upset, feels pain in the lower abdomen, has purple dots on the tongue, has string-harsh pulse, it indicates that her body is with Blood stagnation condition. We use herbal formual San Huang Yin Chan Fang, with the ingredients of herb Dang Gui, Zhi Qiao, Chuan Xiong, Hong Hua, Niu Xi, Da Huang, Shen Di, Shou Di, Pu Huang, Dong Kui Zi, Gui Ban, Huang Qi, and Gan Cao.


Scientific research has improved that herb Dang Gui, Chuang Xiong, Hong Hua, Pu Huang, and Zhi Qiao and more other herbs have function to improving contract of uterus in later pregnancy. The success rate of delivery is much higher with the use of these herbs. 

 其它效验方还有张氏助产汤 (太子参、炙甘草、熟地、菟丝子、川牛膝、当归、川芎、红花、白术、枸杞子、枳壳、车前子);参芪启宫汤 (黄芪、潞党参、当归、怀牛膝、血余炭、川芎、炙龟板、王不留行子), 及黄芪催生汤 (黄芪、党参、白术、当归、川芎、生地、枳壳、怀牛膝、木通、甘草梢)。

Other herbal formula approved to be successful in the induction of uterus contract in later term of pregnancy is Zhang Shi Zhu Chang Tang, Shen Qi Qi Gong Tang and Huang Qi Chui Sheng Tang.

中药引产有效率多在 80% 左右。中药也可以用醋或酒调和,外敷肚脐和/或涌泉穴位。中药能促进宫颈成熟而提高引产效果,也能提高缩宫素引产的成功率,缩短引产时间,降低新生儿窒息率

The successful rate of the herbal therapy is about 80%. The herbs can also be mixed with vinegar or wine to make it into mud form. Apply the herbal mud onto the navel or bottom of foot. The herbs work to improve the mature of the uterus neck, so as to improve delivery. It can also increase the success of oxytoxin, to reduce the period of induction, so as to reduce the asphyxia rate of new born baby.