Infertility - Acupuncture can help

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Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683




Treatment of infertility by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)


中医治疗不孕症效果很好. 如果您不孕的困惑已经很长时间了, 就实在该看一看中医了.没准会柳暗花明又一村呢.

Traditional Chinese Medicine TCMworks well for infertility. If you had trouble for a long time to get pregnant, why not try TCM? You have more choice to reach your aim – windows are always opened. 

中医治疗不孕的思路和方法很多. 就中医草药治疗来说,我们诊所用的是北京沈绍功先生祖传的方法. 在这里我们诚心感谢沈先生的将他祖传的方法献出.

There are different principles in TCM to solve the infertility, not means every TCM doctor may follow the same way of consideration of infertility. In our clinic, we follow the ways of Dr. Shao-gong Shen. Here we express our grateful thanks to Dr. Shen for his selfless share of his hereditary TCM methods in the treatment of infertility.

首先,我们建议病人先找西医作妇科检查. 看是否有影响怀孕的月经不调, 子宫肌瘤, 卵巢囊肿, 或者盆腔炎, 子宫内膜异位症等等. 如果有这些疾病, 需要先调经治病, 然后解决不孕的问题就容易的多了.

First of all, we recommend you to visit fertility clinic in Edmonton, to check your menstruation, and to see if you have any problem that may affect pregnancy, such as ovary cysts, uterus tumor, endometriosis, etc. If they found that you have such problem(s), we need to treat these problems fist so as to increase the possibility of pregnancy.

如果月经已经正常, 也没有明显的妇科疾病, 对于不孕, 我们从以下几个方面考虑用药:

If the fertility clinic did not find anything wrong with you, we would start to solve your infertility by consideration of following possible problems in terms of TCM:

1.      调节性欲,调节肾阴肾阳

To correct kidney yin and yang, so as to increase sexual desire

如果病人肾虚, 性冷淡, 包括男性的性冷淡, 比如说服用治疗高血压等疾病的药物后的性冷淡等, 就要调肾. 用七子汤. 方用蛇床子、金樱子、女贞子、菟丝子、川楝子、枸杞子和车前子。七子汤促进卵子发育, 治疗卵巢 囊肿。

If the patient has less or poor sexual desire (including male), which could be a side effect of some medicine, such as the drugs for hypertension, it is needed to improve the Kidney function, since in TCM, the Kidney is responsible for sex ability. We use Qi Zi Tang (Qi Zi means seven kinds of plant seeds; Tang means herbal decoction). The ingredients for the herbal formula are She Chang Zi, Jin Yin Zi, Tu Si Zi, Chuan Lian Zi, Gou Qi Zi, and Che Qian Zi. The Qi Zi Tang works to improve the development of ovary and eggs, it is good to treat ovary cysts too.

2.      调和营卫

Adjustment of Yin and Wei, to correct hormone metablism

如果病人有月经不调、痛经或者闭经,还有后背怕冷,要调和营卫。用桂枝汤加味, 桂枝汤中加生地、当归、白芍、泽兰、龟板、香附、鸡血藤、 川断、 女贞子、伸筋草、三七粉。如果月经量小, 就用红花代替三七。

If the patient has disorder in menstruation, painful abdomen before or during menstruation, stop of menstruation (amenorrhea), and feels cold on the back of lower abdomen, it would mean that her Qin Qi and Wei Qi is not in harmony. To re-balance the Yin Qi and Wei Qi, use herbal formula Gui Zhi Tang with addition of Sheng Di, Dang Gui, Ze Lan, Gui Ban, Xiang Fu, Ji Xue Teng, Chuan Duan, Nu Zheng Zi, Sheng Jing Cao, and San Qi Feng. If the blood volume during menstruation is heavy, use herb Hong Hua instead of San Qi.


3.      去湿止痒

Remove wetness and stop itch in vulva

如果病人白带比较多,外阴瘙痒,这种状况不容易怀孕。要给她先止带、止痒,用滋肾通关散,用炒苍术 10 g、肉桂 10 g, 黄柏 10 g,薏苡仁 20 g、川牛膝 10 g, 车前草 30 g,土茯苓 10 g,蝉衣5 g , 野菊花10 g

If the patient has more leucorrhea and itch in pudendum, it would be hard to get pregnancy. To stop the leucorrhea and itch, use herbal formula Zi Shen Tong Guan San, using herb Chao Cang Zhu, Rou Gui, Huang Bo, Yi Yi Ren, Chuan Niu Xi, Che Qian Cao, Tu Fu Ling, Chan Yi and wild Ju Hua.

外阴瘙痒的时候还可以合用三子汤 (炒苍耳子,地肤子,蛇床子) 内服或坐浴。

To solve the itch in pudendum, we can also try to use herbal formula San Zi Tang. Cook the herbs and bath pudendum with the herbal decoction.

4.      疏肝解郁

Soothing the Liver and improve Qi movement in the body

如果病人容易郁闷,乳房胀痛,尤其月经前痛疼,有子宫肌瘤或卵巢囊肿,苔薄白脉沉细,属于肝郁。方用逍遥散加橘叶, 公英10 g、红花5-10 g,夏枯草10-15 g

If the patient is easy to feel depression or anxiety, or easy to get upset, feels bloating and pain in the breasts, especially abdomen pain before menstruation, or have ovary cysts or uterus fibrosis, it belongs to Liver stagnation condition in TCM. Use Xiao Yao San to treat. In the formula, add herb Ju Ye, Pu Gong Yin, Hong Hua, and Xia Ku Cao.

5.      化痰去湿

Remove Phlegm and Wetness

如果是胖人,月经量比较少,脸上有黑斑,纳谷不香,舌苔腻的,用温胆汤化载:竹茹10g、枳壳10g、云苓10g、陈皮10g、香附10g、鸡血藤40g、炒苍术 10 g 法半夏 10 g 蛇床子 10 g, 泽兰 10 g 川断 10 g 丹参30g、莱菔子10g、瓜蒌 10g.

If the patient is overweight, has less volume of menstruation, black dots or black shading on face, has poor appetite, thick tongue covering, it means the body is with too much Phlegm and Wetness. To clear the Phlegm and Wetness, use Wen Dan Tang mostly.

这种病人要少吃甜食,少吃油炸的东西。零食和油炸的东西可以导致内分泌紊乱,所以越吃越胖。 而且这种人还特爱吃零食,吃零食的人容易长胖。

Obesity people should eat less sweat food or cake, also eat less fried food, such as chips. Such food tend to disturb endocrine system, so as to increase chance to be overweight.


If it is difficult to diagnose which group the body condition belongs to above, use the herbal formula Duo Zi Duo Fu Jin Zhong Wan. It is a hereditary formula from Dr. Shen, which use herbs Jiu Cai Zi, She Chuang Zi, Jiu Xiang Chong, Chuan Shan Jia, Huang Qi, San Qi, Ren Shen, Gui ban, Xiang Fu and Dang Gui. 

韭菜子30 g蛇床子10 g、九香虫 20 g。穿山甲5 g, 生黄芪30 g、三七15 g、白人参5 g, 龟板10 g、香附10 g、当归10 g. 


According to western medicine, the best time for sex to have pregnancy is to have sex on and around the 14th days from the first day of the menstruation. Dr. Shen recommend to have sex between the 13th and the 17th day from the first day of the menstruation.


However, in actual life, we also noticed from time to time that a couple did not want pregnancy but they got it, though they had sex on the day before the menstruation or the first after cessation of the menstruation. How to explain it? It should continue to be the challenge for medical researchers. In one of famous TCM book (Yi Xue San Shu, by Dr. Qin An Zheng), it is clearly indicated to have sex within three days of the beginning of menstruation!


To tell pregnancy

西医有查血验尿的办法判断是否怀孕,中医也有自己的办法。一是把脉,怀孕的妇女脉是实而滑,有一种欢快的感觉 (常摸脉的人才能知道什么样的脉是所谓欢快的脉感)。当然是否是孕脉需要和该妇人以前的脉象相比较。对于有经验的中医医生,把脉验孕的准确率大约为80%。把脉验孕一般只需要在妊娠三个月内进行。三个月后脉象会发生变化,而实际上怀孕的其它征象也已经很明显了。二是让妇人喝当归和黄芪所煎之中药。喝药后腹中频动者为已经怀孕。

To tell pregnancy, western medicine needs to test the blood and urine. In TCM, we can feel the pulse of the woman. The pulse of the woman with pregnancy feels slippery, not weak, and happy,  Certainly the pulse needs to be compared with that before the stop of menstruation. Another way in TCM is to let the woman drink a kind of herbal decoction (equal amount of Dang Gui and Huang Qi). If there is frequent tinkling inside the abdomen several hours after drink of the herbal tea, it means the pregnancy. For an experienced TCM doctor, the accurate rate for pregnancy by feeling the pulse is about 80%.


Acupuncture works to improve success of pregnancy. The way of acupuncture surely largely depends on the reasons of the infertility. The first aim of acupuncture is to correct the pattern of menstruation, to make sure that the menstruation circle is normal, the amount of menstrual blood is normal and no dramatic pain before and during the menstruation, and the ovulation reaction of body is normal too. Acupuncture needs to be performed at least twice a week for one to two months.

针灸可以单独进行,也常常和草药疗法同时使用,以提高疗效。无论针灸还是草药疗法,治疗不孕症是以月为单位的,不是说扎几次针就可以看出疗效了。但是,对于看西医很长时间人来说,中医治疗只需要一到三个月治疗。总的成功率一般在 60% 70%  

Acupuncture can be used alone or together with the herbal therapy above to increase success rate. No matter it is with acupuncture or herbs, the healing period is by month, not by days. For those of patients who have visited western medicine for years without successful pregnancy, two to three months of TCM therapy should be acceptable.