Welcome to Millwoods Acupuncture Centre

Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683




Master: when feel the pulse, pay attention to the insufficient or overwhelming of the pulse. If the pulse in the Chun position is weak, but string in the Chi position, the person has pain in the chest. This is because the Yangqi in the chest is too weak. Now the pulse in the Chun position is weak (insufficient), suggests the insufficiency of the Yangqi in the Chest (the Lung and Heart). The pulse is String in the Chi position (the Liver and Kidney) suggests the pulse in the Lower Jiao Cavity is overwhelming, so it is know that the person has pain in the chest.  


For ordinary person, if he has not acute fever or chilly, but feels short of breath, there must have some problem inside that affects the breath. The inside problem can be Phlegm, Hosting food, Waterxieqi that block the Qi up-and-down movement.  


For person with Xiongbi disease[1], he will feel asthma, cough, spit, pain in the chest and back, and short of breath. His pulse is deep and slow in the Chun position, slight tight and slight frequent in the Guan position.[2] For the Xiongbi disease, use Guolu Xiebai Baijiu Tang.


Guolu Xiebai Baijiu Tang

栝蒌实(捣)一枚,   薤白半斤,   白酒七升

Guolushi (grind into small pieces) one badge, Xiebai 125gram, liquor 1400 ml.


Add the herbs and the liquor together. Bring to boil until the liquor in the pot is about 500 ml. Separate the herbal tea into several parts, repeatedly drink each part after 2 to 3 hours.


For person with the Xiongbi disease, if he has severe pain in front and in the back of the chest,[3] hard to lie down, use Guolu Xiebai Banxia Tang.


Guolu Xiebai Banxia Tang

栝蒌实(捣)一枚,    薤白  三两,    半夏  半升,     白酒  一斗

Guolushi (grind into small pieces) one badge, Xiebai 45 gram, Banxia 124 gram, liquor 2500 ml.


Add the herbs and the liquor together. Bring to boil until the liquor in the pot is about 1000 ml. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


If the person with the Xiongbi disease has pain in front and back of the chest and feels as pain in the heart, use Wutou Chishizhi Yuan Tang.


Chishizhi Wan

蜀椒一两,(一法二分),   乌头(炮)一分,  附子(炮)半两(一法一分),   赤石脂一两(一法二分),  干姜一两(一法一分)

Shujiao, Wutou, Fuzi, Chishizhi, Ganjiang.


Prepare the herbs into pills (2 cm in diameter). Drink one pill, three times a day, if there is no improvement, increase the number of the pills each time, until the pain starts to release. (This means the final dose is very much individual-dependent).


For person with the Xiongbi disease, if his pain is severe from time to time only, use Yiyi Fuzi San.  


Yiyi Fuzi San

十五两, 大附子(炮)十枚

Yiyiren 235 gram, Fuzi (processed) 250 gram.


Grind the herbs into powder. Drink 1.5 gram each time, three times a day.


If the person with Xiongbi disease feels fullness in the chest, and short of breath, use Fuling Xinren Gancao Tang, or use Jubi Zhishi Shengjiang Tang


Fuling Xinren Gancao Tang


Fuling 45 gram, Xinren 50 badges, Gancao 15 gram,


Add the herbs and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep to mild boiling until there is about 1250 ml left. Separate the herbal tea into five parts. Drink one part right away, then repeat three times later in the day. If the symptom is not improved, continue to drink.


Jubi Zhishi Shengjiang Tang

橘皮  一斤,枳实  三两,生姜  半斤

Orange skin 250 gram, Zhishi 45 gram, fresh ginger 125 gram.


Add the herbs and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep to mild boiling until there is about 500 ml left. Separate the herbal tea into five parts. Drink one part right away, then repeat three times later in the day. If the symptom is not improved, continue to drink.


For person with the Xiongbi disease, if he feels fullness in the upper abdomen and in the chest, feels as there is air pushing to the heart, use Zhishi Xiebai Guizhi Tang, or use Renshen Tang.


Zhishi Xiebai Guizhi Tang


Zhishi 4 badges, Houpo 60 gram, Xiebai 125 gram, Guizhi 15 gram, Guolushi 1 badge.


Add the Zhishi and Houpo and 1250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml left. Remove the reside, add the remaining herbs in, continue to boiling for 10 min. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


Renshen Tang


Renshen 45 gram, Gancao 45 gram, Ganjiang 45 gram, Baishu 45 gram


Add the herbs and 1750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml left. Collect the tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.


If the person feels fullness and bloating feeling in the chest, and feels a pain as the heart is falling down or shrinking, or pending around, use Guizhi Shenjiang Zhishi Tang.


Guizhi Shenjiang Zhishi Tang

桂枝  三两,生姜  三两,枳实  五枚

Guizhi 45 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Zhishi 72 gram.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is 750 ml left. Collect the tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day.

[1] Xiongbi: Xiong means chest; bi means block of the blood and Qi. So Xiongbe means a disease in the chest which is caused by block of Qi and blood by various Xieqi.

[2] This is a condition of inside Cold in the Chest that affects the Heart. The coronary heart disease in the western medicine is similar to the Xiongbi disease here. But the Xiongbi disease refers to much more condition than the coronary heart disease.

[3] This is a condition in which the person has Cold and also Phlegm in the chest to block the Yangqi in the chest.