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Chapter 14. Herbs for food-block condition.



Shenzhe Peiqi Tang (Shen here means herb Renshen in Chinese; Zhe means herb Daizheshi; Pai means to nourish; Qi means energy).

This formula is used to treat Food-block condition. It can also be called a Food-block condition, in which the food cannot come down to the stomach for digestion.  

党参(六钱) 天门冬(四钱) 生赭石(八钱,轧细) 半夏(三钱) 淡苁蓉(四钱) 知母(五钱)当归身(三钱) 柿霜饼(五钱,服药后含化徐徐咽之)
Dangshen 18 gram, Tianmendong 12 gram, Daizhshi 24 gram (grind into powder), Banxia 9 gram, Roucongrong 12 gram, Zhimu 15 gram, Danggui (body part) 9 gram, Shishuangbing 15 gram (hold in mouth after drinking the herbal tea from other ingredients).

In the body, the Qi distributes from the Feimen (throat) to the Pomen (the pylorus) as a whole unit. If the Qi is sufficient and strong, the cardia (the upper opening of the stomach) is broad, so as to accept the food. The pylorus as well as the small intestine and large intestine all are relax to allow the food passing to become stool eventually. If the middle Qi is weak, unable to hold the inner openings open, the pylorus would be narrow, and the cardia and the small intestine and large intestine all are tight. It can be seen in the severe case of the Gezheng patients, the stool is as sheep stool. It can be due to insufficient liquid in the digestive system, but it is actually due to the narrow of the intestine. In addition, if the middle Qi is insufficient, the Stomach Qi cannot fall down to pass food. The Chongqi would rush up to attack the upper part of the body, which makes the phlegm-saliva rush reverse up to block the cardia. At this time, the carida is already be narrow, the additional block from the phlegm would block it further more. How could it be able to accept food down? For this reason, the Food-block condition should be treated with urgent supply of the middle Qi, as the use of Renshen in the formula. The Daizheshi, Banxia, and Shishuangbing work to reverse the Chongqi, and to clear the phlegm. The Zhimu, Tianmendong, Danggui and Shishuangbing are used to clear Fire, Wet the dryness, to produce more liquid and to produce more blood, so as to prevent the possible Fire side effect from the Renshen, and the Dryness of the Banxia. The herb Roucongrong can nourish the Kidney, so to restrain the reversed Qi. If the ChongQi is not rushing up, the Stomach Qi would be easy to fall. Patients with this Food-block condition usually have difficulty in bowel movement. The use of Roucongrong and the Danggui and Daizheshi could promote the bowel movement. It works fast and well. If, after several doses, there is no major improvement, it suggests the presence of blood stagnation in the cardia. Herb Sanlen and Ezhu should be added.


In the book Shan Han Lun, there is a formula called Xuanfu Daizheshi Tang. It is used to solve the hard and block feeling in the stomach area and continuous hiccup, which is caused by an improper use of the sweat therapy, vomiting therapy or bowel cleansing therapy. Mr. Zhou Yangjun and Mr. Yu Jiayan both claimed it works well for the Food-block condition. Here in my formula, the herb Daizheshi, but not the Xuanfuhua, is used, since the Xufuha in the book Shennong Bencao Jingis said to be salty in taste, but the Xuanfuhua in the market now is bitter rather than salty in taste, so as it may not work. Only the Xuanfuha produced in a special place of China…. it is bigger than the ordinary one, and it is salty and also with a spicy taste, works for the Food-block condition.

(not translated) 

A man, 60 years of old, had such Food-block condition, and asked my help. He said he can chew the charcoal and fragile food in mouth and swallow it with the help from water. If one swallow does not pass down, he would vomit and could not have more eating. When he vomited, there was phlegm in the stuff out. His pulse was weak in the Chi position, and slippery and sthenic in the Chong position. It was considered to be due to the filling of the phlegm in the Upper Jao of the body, which blocks the cardia. He was given this herbal formula, as well as Xuanfuhua 6 grams. Continuous six doses solved his problem.

A man, 46 years of old, indulged in opera, so as miss his diet and sleep. In the beginning, he felt a reversed Qi up to press his throat. Later, the rushing Qi affected his eating. He felt hard to swallow or had vomit. His pulse was string, long and hard on both sides. It was considered to be due to the Chongqi brings the Stomach Qi to rush up. This formula was given, with addition of Xuanfuha 6 gram, to reverse the up-rushing Qi. After tens of doses, the condition was improved.

My aunt-in-law, 56 years of old, felt hard to swallow in the beginning. Later she could only drink water-like soup. Her pulse was thin and asthenic. She worked very hard usually but cared her self very little in the diet and the rest. Her thin pulse was due to poor diet to supply the Qi and blood. Her string pulse was due to the overwhelming of phlegm-water caused by over work in mind. She had two sisters. Both died to the same condition. She therefore felt feared. However, I told her that her condition can be improved. She was given this formula, plus Baizhu 6 gram, Longyanrou 9 gram. Continuously tens of doses solved the problem.

My niece-in-law, 48 years of old, was weak and sick for a long time. For hard labor house work and over work in mind, she could not fall sleep at all. In a summer, she got this Food-block condition. At that time, I was far away in other cities. She was so sent to other doctor for help, without any improvement. After I came back, her condition became severe. Her pulse was as slippery and sthenic, but weak when press harder. I used this formula to her, with addition of Longyanrou 15 gram. After two doses, her condition was much improved and after tens of doses, the condition was completely solved.  

A man, who lived in Baizhen city, Fengtian province, and who was 67 years of old, got this Food-block condition. He tried to visit doctors but no effect. His condition was lasted for 5 or 6 months and it became worse and worse. He could even feel hard to swallow water. His pulse was string, long and strong, especially on the right side. It is known that his condition was due to the up-rushing of the Chongqi, which presses the Stomach Qi not fall. His stool was dry and hard to pass. It was once every more days and need some conducting therapy for the bowel movement. He was given this Shenzhe Paiqi Tang, with the Daizheshi changed to 30 gram. After several doses, the diet was much easier and the pulse was slight calm down too, but he still feel some block feeling in the upper stomach. So, the Daizheshi was reduced to half amount. The formula was continued for several doses. His stool became twince a day. So, the Daizheshi, Shishuanbing, Danggui and Zhimu were removed, but Baizhu 9 gram was added in. After several doses, she daid she felt poor ability to digest food. At this time, the phlegm has been cleared. She felt as a mass on the stomach, which block the pass of the food to digest. So, the Baizhu was increased to 18 gram, with addition of Jineijin 6 gram to help the function of Baizhu in digestion. After tens of doses, the condition was completely solved.

My friend, Mr. Wu, had treated a man, who was 60 years of old and had this Food-block condition. The patient has visited various doctors without any help but worse. Mr. Wu prescribed him this Shenzhe Paiqi Tang. For his pulse was string and hard, knowing it is due to Chongqi rushing up, together with weakness in the blood, he added herb Qianshi to restrain the up-rushing Chongqi, the herb Longyanrou to nourish the blood. After one dose, the patient could eat. After seven to eight doses, the diet became normal.



Letter from Mr. Ma, Yi city, Fengtian province.

Last year, my nephew got the Food-block condition. He visited various doctors for about one year, without help. His condition became worse. One of my relatives introduced me a formula, it was said from the book
Zhongzhogn Canxi Lu and called Shenzhe Paiqi Tang. After drinking the herbal tea, the condition was improved right away. After tens of doses, the condition was completely solved.

Letter from Faku city, Fengtian province:


The daughter of Mr. Qiu was 15 years of old. She supposed to start menstruation, but due to scare, the menstruation stopped. After two months, she felt heart hot, palpitation, bloating feeling, etc. After visiting doctor, there was no improvement, but felt vomiting, constipation, and sweat. After another two months visiting tens of doctors, the disease was much worse. She was introduced by my friend to come to me. Her pulse was floating, frequent and ru. The pulse in the Chi position is weaker than the Chong position. She was pale and withered in the face, and thin and too slim on the body shape. She could not get up the bed, since for the past two months, she vomited the movement finished eating, or vomited sometime later after eating. No strange that she was so withered, since her body could not be nourished by food, and the inside Fire still burning her body Yin. I have considered again and again, and thought that her condition was due to scare that disturbed his Qi and blood, which prevented the body functions. She was in young age, there was no enough blood yet to allow the menstruation. After a long time, the blood does not pass down as menstruation, it would reverse up to cause reverse of the Body Qi too. The Chong meridian was the sea of blood, which belongs to the Yangming meridian too. The Yangming had rising but no falling, so the Chongqi had also only rising but no falling. The blood is stagnated, so to cause burning sensation and floating sense. The palpitation is due to the rushing-up of the Qi and Blood; the sweat and vomiting were also due to the press by the reversed Qi and Blood. The constipation is due the over loss of body liquid after vomiting and bowel cleansing therapy. For the treatment, it is needed to use the herbs to suppress the reversed Qi; to nourish the Yin; to calm the heart; and to cleanse the stagnation.

Check the literature, the Shenzhe Zhenqi Tang and Shenzhe Paiqi Tang are the main formula for her condition. So used these two formulas with modification, in which the Daizheshi was 45 gram, Danggui 15 gram, Shanyurou 15 gram, Longgu 15 gram, and Muli 15 gram, Baishao 9 gram, Roucongrong 9 gram, Dangshen 9 gram, Tianmendong 9 gram, and Jineijin 9 gram. The herbs were cooked in cutler water. After one dose, the condition appeared worse, and the family was very nervous. They thought it was a wrong treatment and considered to change doctor. Only because the person who referred me to them insisted, the family reluctantly allowed me to continue. At that time, her pulse was the same, so I knew the condition was not worse. Later, I met such condition again, but still do not know why.


After consideration for a while, I suddenly realized: this must was due to too weak of her stomach. Along with the reversing up of the stomach Qi, and the use of the large amount of herbs, the stomach is too weak to handle the healing pushing effect, so that the the herbal Qi might cause a rebound effect to the body, and so she felt as dizziness, appearing as the disease became worse. So, I reduced the previous herbs to half doses. The cooked herbal tea was asked to drink for two separated times, with addition of the Shishuangbing 9 gram. After the first drinking, she vomited half of the herbs, but no vomit after the second drink. After finish the drinking, she could eat little bit soup without vomit. The family became glad. After additional three doses, the sweat and the vomit both stopped, and the heart beating feeling was much improved, though the burning sensation was the same. From the formula, Shanyurou, Longgu and Muli were removed, and Xuanshen 12 gram, Shengdi 12 gram were added. After five doses, the burning sensation was also cured for half. With such modification for one month, she could get up the bed. She was asked to continue the herbs until the whole condition was totally cured. Her menstruation would then turn normal.