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Chapter 26. herbs for infectious disease and plague.



1. Qingyu Tang

This formula is used for infectious disease and plague, in which the patient has fever boty inside and on the body surface. He has swelling and pain in the head; the swelling may expand to the neck and chest. It is also used for Yang-poison with macula on the skin. The infectious disease here means any kinds of infectious diseases termed by western medicine.

荷叶(一个用周遭边浮水者良鲜者尤佳) 石膏(一两,捣细) 羚羊角(二钱,另煎兑服)知母(六钱) 蝉蜕(三钱,去足土) 僵蚕(二钱) 金线重楼(二钱,切片) 甘草(钱半)
Heye (lotus leaves) one, (the leave with arounding edge floating up and the fresh leaves are the best choice), Shigao 30 gram (grind), Lingyang horn (antelope horn) 6 gram (grind, drink with herbal tea from other ingredients), Zhimu 18 gram, Chantui (cicada slough) 9 gram (remove feet and soil), Jiangcan (dried silkworm) 6 gram, Jinxianchonglu (
Chinese Paris Rhizome ) 6 gram (chop into pieces), Gancao 4.5 gram.

The lotus leaves bears the raising Qi of the early Yang. It words as the ship for all other herbs. It brings the Fire-cleansing and Poison-dissolving herbs up to the head. For its light in herbal nature, it can clear the stagnation, and can further more dissolve the poison and dirty stuff. It is especially suitable in the treatment of the infectious disease and plague. The reason to use the leaves that floating above the water is that the leaves that growing attaching the water bears more light Qi, so that it is better to disperse surface. This is similar to the duckweed. It grows on the water surface and has strong effect to create sweat.

The Jinxianchonglu has another name as Zaoxiu, or as Ziheche grass. It is sweet and light in taste. Its ability to dissolve poison is similar to the herb Gancao. But the Gancao is warm in herbal nature, but this herb is cold in nature. To dissolve Hot poison, this one is better than the Gancao, so it is called Zaoxiu (Zao here means insect in Chinese; Xiu means to disappear.) If a person is attacked or invaded by various insects, or bitten by scorpions and snakes, of if the skin has ulcer or broken, use this herb would stop the problem sooner in early stage. In ancient Chinese, the Zao also means the “early”. There is a old saying to admire the Zaoxiu: “Seven leaves with one flower, deep mountain is my home. If the pus, carbuncle, or deep rooted ulcer meets me, all would be dissolved (by me).”  … If the skin of the herb grass is mild purple, its taste would be mild spicy and not sweet, it would be poisoning too. Such herb type should not be used. If there is no nice Zaoxiu, omit it from the formula.


The Lingyang Jiao (antelope horn) and the Xiniu horn (Rhinocerotidae), both are cold in nature and can dissolve poison or detoxify. … But the Xinmiu horn can dissolve the Stomach sthenic Fire and the heart Fire. If the plague Xie Qi has not invaded deep, the drink of the Xiniu horn, the body will feel asthenic cold in heart, fail to defense the invading Xie Qi, so that the Xie Qi invades into the heart without defense force from the body. This is very important concept. Medical doctor must know this and always keep it in mind. The Lingyang horn is good to clear the Fire in the Liver and Gall bladder, as well as the Fire in the Stomach. … It also bears ability to disperse Xie Qi from body surface. When it is used together with the Shigao, for its spicy-cooling nature, the lotus leaves and Lianqiao, for its light-floating nature, it can expel the poisoning Fire, so as to dissolve the swelling in the head and neck.

I treated a child, 6 years of old. On the third and fourth day of measles, he got Wind-Fire invading inside. He had strong asthma and short of breath. He was given the Lingyang horn 9 gram, and very soon, the asthma stopped. The measles was dissolved from then. For the poison-Fire in the measles like infectious disease, it needles surface-dispersing and Fire-clearing therapy. If the other herbs do not work, the life condition is in danger, the use of the Lingyang horn alone usually can save the life. Apparently, it can disperse the surface and can also clear the poison-Fire. It can also prevent the insect toxic, which has been well documented in the book
Shennong Bencao Jin. Whenever an infectious disease is with the skin rash and/or bleeding on skin, it is usually accompanied with the poisoning Qi.

The dried silkworm, … is good at as the guider for surface-dispersing herbs. It self has also the surface-dispersing ability. For this, if the pox cannot be develop into mature, the dried silkworm can promote its mature to show fully on the skin. In addition, the dried silkworm is withered but not rotten. If there is swelling and painful spot on the body, and if fearing its rotten, use the dried silkworm. This is “to use the similar to treat the similar” principle.

The infectious disease and the plague are different from the Shanghan disease and the Wen disease. For the Shanghan disease and the Wen disease, the body is attacked by normal seasonal Qi in the nature. The seasonal Qi invades into the body, due to the body defense Qi is weak. Only one or two persons may have the disease at the time. The disease does not pass from one person to another. However, the infectious disease, or in severe case, the plague, pass from person to person, no matter the age of the person and all share similar symptoms and clinic results. They are caused by annual Li Qi, (Li here means the poison Qi). For it is annual Li Qi, the disease from one year is different from another year. The infectious disease is also called Yi disease in Chinese. In the boo
Nei Jing, there are five kinds of Yi disease. Later doctors usually separate them into the Cold Yi and the Hot Yi. For the Cold Yi disease, the herbal formula of Shishenzi San is used. For the Hot Yi disease, the Puji Xiaodu Yin is the choice. However, the Hot Yi is more than the Cold Yi. The Qingyu Tang here is for the Hot Yi.

A lady was 40 years. She had the big-head pestilence. Her head and face was swelling severely, so much so that she could not open the eyes. She felt annoying hot in the Upper Jiao and palpitation too. The family thought it was a deep ulcer, so asked surgical doctor to treat. The doctor put out his herbal powder, applied it on the head, and the pain was reduced somehow. The family asked to prescribe for the annoying hot and palpitation, the doctor said he only learn the surgical treatment, not the internal medicine. Her family later invited me to come. When I saw her, her pulse was waving, slippery and strong, especially on the Chun position. She was given the Qingyu Tang, in which the Shigao was changed to 60 gram. The herbal tea was given to drink twine. After finish the herbal tea, the condition was solved.

A man, 20 years of old, got the Hot Yi disease. On the third and the fourth day, his head was swelling very much. In the swelling part, there contained yellow water under the skin. After break, the skin turned ulcer. His body had also bleeding dots. It was heard that it is the big head pestilence. The outlook of the skin with ulcer appeared as the inner of a watermelon. It is very difficult to treat. He cared very much and came to me for help. His pulse was waving, slippery and long. His tongue covering was white and slight yellow. When asked, he said he felt annoying hot and craved for cold drink and food. I told him that it was not so difficult to treat. Either the swelling and broken ulcer or the bleeding dots on the skin, all are due to the spread of Hot poisoning Qi spill from stomach to the body. To use Shigao bravely, there would have no worry. He was given the Qingyu Tang, in which the Shigao was 90 gram, Zhimu was 24 gram. The herbal tea was drunk. The next day, the disease was improved a lot. The formula was modified by removal of the Heye and Chantui. After drink of the second herbal tea, the condition was solved.

Comments: the disease with the spot is different from that with the pox or rash. The spot is not higher than the skin, but the pox or rash is higher than the skin. The pestilence with the spot is separated into the Yang poison (called Yangdu in Chinese) and the Yin poison (also called Yindu in Chinese) condition. The Yangdu with the spot is due to the damage of blood by the Hot poison. The Yindu with spot can be due to the poison from the Cold yi disease, or due to Middle Qi deficiency after a sweat therapy, vomiting therapy or a bowel-cleansing therapy, or to large amount intake of Cold herbs. All of these can cause the body into a Yin condition, in which the Cold is hold and steal in the Lower Jiao of the body, which presses the no-root Fire rushing up to smoke the Lung. In the Yindu condition, the spot is mild or slight red in color, slightly seen on the skin, not as the spot in the Yangdu, in which the spot is fresh red or purple in color. In my life, I only saw the Yangdu with spot, never saw a Yindu with spot yet. Apparently the Yindu disease with spot is very rare. But, we should not make distinquishment between the Yangdu spot and the Yindu spot in clinic work, due to the rare of the Yindu condition. Here I cited the case report for the treatment of the Yangdu and Yindu, as reference. Only if you understand everything in your heart, could you feel confidence in the later diagnosis and treatment without any mistake.

Dr. Lu Cangzhou said: a man had Shanghan disease for ten days. He had hot in the body but silent. The pulse on the both hands was hidden, hard to feel. Doctor thought that it was as damaged condition (e.g. a condition after a wrong treatment), refused to use any herbs for treatment. When I saw him, the pulse was hard to feel. The tongue covering was slippery; the check is red in color, but the speech was not in disorder. So, I told the family: the patient would have a lot of red spots and his whole body would be as animal skin with strips of red lines. …. After use of Baihu Jia Renshen Tang, the spot disappeared and the pulse appeared.   Comments: when the skin spot develops to no pulse to feel, it is very dangerous condition. Only with doctor who knows such condition, with careful treatment, could the condition be saved. It must be declared that, it is a condition, in which the poisoning-Fire and stagnated Hot hold in and between the meridians to block the blood vessels. Here, Dr. Cangzhou said that the spot would damage the blood. When the blood is damaged, there would have no pulse to feel. This is his creation. His statement can be believed since there is such case report to support. I remembered, one spring, I treated a youth with blood vomit. He vomited blood heavily for several days without stop. The pulse was as there was, as there was not. After use of the herbs to stop the blood, the pulse became disappeared (hard to feel) due to the Fire disappeared. I bravely used nourishing herbs to support his condition, the case was cured (see the case report in detail in the Hanjiang Tang). Apparently, to vomit blood to much could cause no pulse. This is to support the statement by Dr. Cangzhou that, if the blood is damaged, there could have no pulse to feel. This is discussion for Yangdu spot condition

Dr. Xu Shuwei treated one case. The person had inside Cold, but outside Hot and had spots. His pulse was deep and thin. There are several spots on the shoulder, back, chest and side of abdomen. The spots came and vanished, and came again very soon. He talked in mad, but not a delirious speech. The skin surface was hot, but if felt with hand, very soon it became cold as ice. He was given Ginger and Fuzi several doses. The condition was solved after sweat. This is the Yindu spot condition.

Dr. Wu Renzai reported a case. The person had Shanghan disease for seven to eight days. Due to over intake of Cold herbs, his body turned cold, as well as the hands and feet. The body was all over with black spots, only the heart felt warm. It was a hidden Fire condition. His pulse was deep and thin. He lost consciousness, could not talk, appearing as a dead body. He was given the Renshen Sanbai Tang, with addition of Fuzi 15 gram and Ganjiang 6 gram. After drink of the herbal tea for one hour about, the spot turned gradually red in color, and the feet and hands became warm. After wake up, he still had Hot residue, which is the onset of the hidden Fire. He was then given the Huanglian Jiedu Tang and Zhuye Shigao Tang for the treatment. This is the Yindu spot with hidden Yang. 

Dr. Yu Tianming said: the inner damage could also have spot, but it is slightly red in color. This is due to the very weak in the Stomach Qi, so the whole body Fire floating outside. In this case, it should be used to nourish the Qi and blood. When the Middle part of the body has the “king”, the Qi would not move out, and the blood would not spill out. This condition needs very careful diagnosis. Dr. Hong Jiren explained: this condition is different from the Yangdu spot, or from the Yindu spot. The condition here needs the Buzhong Yiqi Tang for the treatment, with the addition of Danggui and Baishao, and so on.


For the pestilence condition, there is one called sheep hair pestilence, which also belongs to the Yi disease, but the person feels stirring shacking feeling in the heart. By look, there is small skin rash on the front sternum and the corresponding back skin. Punch it with needle. If its tip sinks, not raises up, there would be a white hair in it. Use the needle to pick it out. If fearing there the pick is not completely, you can try to use the bread which is originally used for ferment. Peel the bread, mix it with hair, dip it in little sesame oil, to apply and massage it over the body. Then depending on the sthenic or asthenic, Cold or Hot condition of the body, use the corresponding herbal therap. It will cure. The condition was not indicated in ancient medical books, but there are many such cases in clinic. The white hair is the the normal body hair. Mostly due to the Wind attack, which blocks the hair hole, so the hair on the skin could not go out, so unable to go out, so it appears as white in color (it would be better to use the wine and soba powder to massage the skin).



2. Huxin Zhibao Dan

This formula is used when the pestilence or plague moves from the Lung to the Heart. the person laughs without any reason; the mind is cloudy; and the speech is mass and in disorder.

石膏(一两,捣细) 人参(二钱) 犀角(二钱) 羚羊角(二钱) 朱砂(三分,研细) 牛黄(一分,研细)
Shigao 30 gram (grind), Renshen 6 gram, Xiniu horn 6 gram, Lingyang horn 6 gram, Zhusha 0.9 gram (grind), Niuhuang (bezoar) 0.3 gram (grind).

Cook the herbal ingredients, except the Zhusha and Niuhuang, into herbal tea. Drink the Zhusha and Niuhuang with the herbal tea for swallow.

This is a extremely urgent condition that risks the life. Ordinary herbs would be strong enough to solve the condition. So, the formula contains many rare ingredients, to borrow its valuable energy for the treatment of the Hot-poison in the heart.

If the poison of the pestilence does not come into the heart, the Xiniu horn should not be used. But if it has invaded in the heart, it must be used.


The poison of the pestilence or the plague, goes into the body through the breath. Originally it is in the lung… and theoretically it is easy to move into the heart. But in clinic it is no so. This is because, in Chinese medicine, the heart shell protects the heart. The poison comes from the lung to the heart shell, then down to the three Jiao, then the hand Jueyin and hand Shaoyang. This is the reason that the heart is not affected by the poison. In my past twenty years of clinic, I only met one old lady, who had such condition that affect the heart. She was given this formula and cured. 



3. Qingzhen Tang. 

This formula is used for child skin rash, with hotness in both inside and outside of the body.

石膏(一两,捣细) 知母(六钱) 羚羊角(二钱) 金线重楼(钱半,切片) 薄菏叶(二钱) 连翘(二钱) 蝉蜕(钱半,去足土) 僵蚕(二钱)
Shigao 30 gram (grind), Zhimu 18 gram, Lingyang horn 6 gram, Jinxian Chonglu 4.5 gram (Chop), Bohe 6 gram, green Lianqiao 6 gram, Chantui 4.5 gram (remove feet and soil), Jiangcan 6 gram.


Cook the herbal ingredient to collect one and half cup of herbal tea. Drink the tea twice to get sweat after drink. If the person gets sweat after the first drink, the remaining herbs can still be drunk. If the sweat is very heavy after the first drink, stop to drink the remaining tea. The amount of herbs in the formula is for child more than seven years of old. For the younger child, the dose can be reduced according to the age, or reduce it to one third. If the child has pain in throat and had hoarse voice, add the Shigao 15 gram more (so totally 45 gram). If the rash does not come out completely, use fresh Luwei (reed) root (better to use the one that grows in flowing water) a bundle, to cook the herbal tea and use this herbal tea to cook the herbal tea for other ingredients.


The skin rash problem usually occurs in children. It might be due to the child has such poison or toxic in between the organs, which was triggered out by the seasonal Xie Qi invasion, thereforek, once the disease starts, the child has hot in both inside and outside of the body. This condition is similar to the Wen disease, in which the Hot poison accumulates and disperses among and in between the meridian and the organs of the Yangmng meridian/portion of the body. To treat this condition, it should use the surface-dispersing therapy in the early stage of the disease; later, use the Fire-cleansing therapy. If there is sthenic Fire, use Shigao. IF there is sour throat, suggesting the Hot poison rushing up, Shigao should be used in large amount. Only when the stool is slippery, either the Shigao or the Zhimu should not be used. In such case, remove the Shigao and Zhimu, but add Huashi 30 gram, and Gancao 9 gram. In such case, the slippery diarrhea does not mean a Cold condition, but it is due to the dryness and more drink of water, which cannot be metabolized by the Spleen-Stomach. The Huashi added is to smooth the urine and Gancao is to harmonize the Spleen-Stomach, to buffer the speed of the water down. If the slippery diarrhea is very severe, use my Ziyin Xuanjie Tang, which can work to stop the diarrhea and help to disperse the rash out. However, the rash condition worries the slippery diarrhea very much, since the poison may sink down alone with the diarrhea, and not disperse out to the skin. If above methods fail to stop the diarrhea, use Shanyao 30 gram or more, cook it into soup. Add two or three cooked egg yolk into the soup to drink. The slippery diarrhea must stop. After that, use cold herbs to solve the Fire gradually.

The son of my friend, Mr. Zhu in Fengtian city, was five years of old. In a summer, he had strong hot all over the body with rashes all over the body. His pulse was very waving and frequent. His tongue covering was white and thick. It was considered to be a rash disease with pestilence. It had considered to use cooling herbs to clear the Fire, but remembering that the child usually had pain in the upper abdomen; after coming of the rash, the child ate fresh fruit; he felt such pain the day before, so it was dared not to use the heavy dose. In the herbal formula prescribed contained Shigao 18 gram, Xuanshen 18 gram, Bohe 3 gram, Chantui 3 gram, and Lianqiao 6 gram. He was given the herbal tea to drink at the night. The next afternoon, the hot was ever worse, with sour throat, thick breath, nose wing flattening, and bleeding little from the nose, kind of annoyed or agitated feeling. For this, I had to use large amount of Shigao 90 gram, Xuanshen 12 gram, Maimendong 12 gram, with little Bohe and Lianqiao in it. The herbal tea was given to the child for three times to drink. The next day, every symptoms reduced, with only Hot remaining. Though the stool came out once, it was dry stool. When asked, the child said he felt hot in the heart. His pulse was strong. So, Shigao 30 gram was used to the other ingredients. The formula was drunk twice. The strong Hot disappeared. Later, the cooling herbs were used for a maintenance treatment.

Comments: for this case, in the beginning, the Shigao was 18 gram, and the Xuanshen was also 18 gram. The hot did not disappear but more worse. Apparently, the Shigao is calm in herbal nature, not very cold. For the dangerous evidence, the Shigao was dared to used to 90 gram, so that the life was saved. Also apparently the Shigao is very valuable in the saving of life in the invading Fire condition. Due to the consideration that the child usually had pain in the stomach, the Shigao and Xuanshen used initially only 18 gram for each. If there was any hesitate, not dare to use the Shigao and Xuanshen, only believe that it was a rash condition, the surface-dispersing herbs were used mostly, the life would be risk right away. If this was the case, the use of large Cold herbs later would not be able to save the life. I have heard such cases many times, knowing that the child poison-rash conditions were usually mis-diagnosed and mis-treated. I cited these cases here for remind our doctors again.  

For the pestilence and plague condition, the large amount of Cold herbs should be used usually, but be careful not to create slippery diarrhea. If the slippery diarrhea indeed happens, the Body Qi would sink, which would have no power to push the Xie Qi out of the body. For this reason, when I use large amount of Cold herbs to treat such condition, I always ask the person to drink the herbal tea slowly and gradually, not let them to drink it once in a large volume, so that the healing effect would stay mostly in the upper part of the body. When the herbal cold moves down to the lower part of the body, the Cold nature has been harmonized by the body inner Hotness, so there is no side effect of causing slippery diarrhea. In addition the use of the heavy Cold herbs is accompanied by the help of surface-dispersing herbs, such as Bohe, Lianqiao, Chantui and Jiangcan, etc. By this way, the Fire can be cleansed, and the poison can be detoxified. After the vanish of the rash, there has no any remaining problems.


The herbs such as the Shenma and Qianguo are dared not to use in the pestilence condition. My friend Mr. Liu, knew medicine well. He treated a child, who had skin rash showed but vanished soon. Doctors used various herbs but none could promote the rashes out. The poisoning Qi invaded inner and cause a life-threatening condition. No any doctor had idea what to do next. Mr. Liu used Maxingshigan Tang from the book Shang Han Lun. One dose made the rashes out. The disease was cured from that time. The Maxingshigan Tang is the herbal formula originally used in asthma without big hot condition, which follows the sweat therapy, or a bowel-cleansing therapy. Mr. Liu used it to the rash-sink condition, and saved life. He is really a smart to use the ancient herbal therapy! (This formula should be used according to the level of the hotness in the body: if the body is very hot, use Shigao 30 gram, Mahuang 3 gram; if the hotness is low, use Shigao 30 gram, and Mahuang 6 gram.)