Welcome to Millwoods Acupuncture Centre

Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683



Acupuncture reference (1)


As an acupuncturist, you learned how to choose acupuncture points for treatment. You know to choose the acupuncture points by the distribution of meridians, by Five-element plus Wei-Qi-Ying-Xue diagnosis, by Ba Hui Xue (Eight-Crossing points), by Jing-Xin-Shu-Jing-He principles. Here are some more choices: to choose the acupuncture points by experience. Some of the experience you may have heard before. For example, to choose Jianjing point for breast infection (abscess) or use Fuliu for dry mouth or extreme thirsty. The data are from old and famous book <<Bai zhen Fu>>. It is originally in Chinese. Clinic experience tells us that it is indeed that some acupuncture points have relatively more specific healing effects for some clinic conditions.

Chunhui point and Yuzhen point are couple that is used for the treatment of migraine;

Xuanlu and Heyan: for migraine too;

Qiangjian and Fenlun: for very strong headache;

Shuigou and Qianding: for face swelling;

Tinghui and Yifeng: for deafness;

Yinxian is for worm moving feelings on the face;

Tinghui is for ringing in the ear;

Zhizhen and feiyang: for dizziness feeling in the eyes;

Yanggang and Danshu: for yellow color in the eyes (jaundice);

Shaoze and Ganshu: for eyeball moving up;

Toulinqi and Touwei: for tearing;

Zanzhu and sanjian: for cloudy feeling in the eyes;

Yanglao and Tianzhu: for shaking feeling in the eyes;

Jingming and Hangjian: for blurred vision at night;

Wenliu and Qimen: for stiffness feeling on neck (with chilling and/or hot: early stage of flu);

Lianquan and Zhongchong: for mass and pain under tongue;

Tianfu and Hegu: for bleeding in nose;

Ermen and Sizhukong: for teethache;

Jiache and Dicang: far face muscle paralysis (uneven face muscle);

Yemen and Yuji: far pain in throat;

Jinmen and Qiuxu: for muscle spasm (calf);

Yanggu and Xiaxi: for swelling in mouth and difficulty to open mouth;

Shaoshang and Quze: thirsty due to anemia (blood deficiency);

Tongtian: for inability to smell (nose function);

Fuliu: for thirsty;

Yamen and Guanchong: for hardy to move tongue for speak;

Tianjing and Jianshi: for loss of voice or unclear voice;

Taichong: for ulcer in lips of mouth;

Chengjiang: for teethache;

Shugu and Tianzhu: for stiffness on neck (due to common cold with disliking windy);

Dadu and Jingqu: for fever but having no sweat;

Shaohai and Shousanli: for numbness in arms;

Yanglingquan and Quchi: for paralysis;

Jianli and Neiguan: for annoyed feeling (bloating, warm, oppressed) in the chest;

Tinggong and Pishu: for sadness feeling (willing to cry to tear feelings);

Qihu and Huagai: for pain under the ribs;

Xiawan and Xiangu: for loud sound in the belly due to strong bowel moving;

Zhangmen: for bloating feeling in the upper and lateral stomach area (liver and spleen area);

Tanzhong and Juque: for pain, bloating, nausea feeling in the upper and middle stomach area;

Zhongfu and Yishe: for bloating feeling in chest with gurgling in throat;

Shenshu and Juliao: for blood stagnation syndrome in the diaphragm level;

Shencang and Xuanji: for bloating, oppress feeling in chest with stiff on the neck at same time;

Baihuan and Weizhong: for pain in whole back (with lower back);

Shuidao and Jinsuo: For stiffness in the spine tendon;

Quanliao and Daying: for dizzy feeling in eyes;

Luxi: for spasm, epilepsy-like muscle spasms;

Rangu: for tetanus (infection from navel of new born baby);

Weiyang and Tianchi: for swelling under armpit;

Houxi and Huantiao: for pain in legs;

Lidui and Yinbai: for scaring dreams at night;

Shangyuan and Shenmen: for mad to run (Psychological disorders);

Yangjiao and Jiexi: for palpitation, uncertainty feeling;

Tianchong and Dahen: for tending to cry, back bend of spine;

Shenzhu and Benshen: for epilepsy;

Shaochong and Quchi: for fever;

Taodao and Feishu: for fever in epidemiologic diseases;

Shendao and Xinshu: for minor epilepsy onset;

Xialiao: Cold-wet or Fire-wet syndrome (TCM concept);

Yunquan: for very cold or very hot limbs (hands or feet);

 Erjian and Yinxi: for feeling cold or hot;

Youmen and Yutang: for annoyed with vomiting;

Xinjian and Yunquan: for extreme thirsty (due to kidney deficiency);

Yinglinquan and Shuifen: for water retention in stomach (ascites);

Pohu and Gaohuang: For nausea, headache, tiredness, and other symptoms due to contact with corpse (dead body);

Yinggu and Zhusanli: for acute diarrhea (cholera or acute gastroenteritis);

Houxi and Laogong: for jaundice.

Tongli and Dazhong: for drowsy and tired to speak or act;

Feishu and Tiantu: for frequent cough;

Duiduan: for irritable urinate (to deplete Taiyang meridian);

Changqiang and Chengsha: for bleeding from colon (during diarrhea);

Sanyingjao and Qihai: for leakage of sperms

Huangshu and Henggu: for urine stones, bleeding, leakage of sperms, etc.

Yingxi and Houxi: for night sweat;

Pishu and Pangguanshu: for poor digestion due to spleen deficiency;

Puomen and Weishu: for poor digestion due to Cold accumulation syndrome in stomach;

Yinjiao: for mucus enlargement in nose;

Fubai: fro enlargement of thyroid gland;

Dadontg and Zhaohai: for hyena (belongs to Cold);

Shouwuli and Binao: for skin ulcers, or sore, or lymphatic node enlargement;

Zhiying and Wuyi: for skin rash with more itch and more pain;

Jianyu and Yangxi: for skin rash with more Fire syndrome (fever, red tongue, faster pulse, etc.);

Diji and Xuehai: for irregular menstruation;

Jiaoxin and Heyang: for constant bleeding during woman periods; (Spleen deficiency);

Chongmen and Qichong: for large amount of discharges, and heavy bleeding during birth delivery;

Tianshu and Shuiquan: for delayed menstruation;

Jianjing for breast abscess;

Shangqiu: for piles (hemorrhoid);

Baihui and Weidi: for prolapsed of anus;

Yingjiao and Shiguan: for infertility;

Zhongyuan and Waiqiu: for chronic diarrhea;

Shangyang and Taixi: for malaria (belongs to Cold syndrome);

Chongmen and Xuehai: for mass growth (cancer or benign mass in liver or spleen area);