Welcome to Millwoods Acupuncture Centre

Millwoods Acupuncture Center
102, 2603 Hewes Way
Edmonton AB,   Canada

Phone: (780) 466-8683

  More than Acup  


Chapter 1: Information about Acupuncture


1.                  What is acupuncture?

2.                  How was acupuncture developed?

3.                  What is an acupuncture point, and what is a meridian?

4.                  How does acupuncture work?

5.                  Which conditions can acupuncture help?

6.                  Can acupuncture address more than one health issue at a time?

7.                  Can acupuncture only relieve symptoms, or can it cure the disease?

8.                  How many types of acupuncture are currently in use?

9.                  Is acupuncture merely a placebo effect?

10.              Why have researchers reported that acupuncture could produce a placebo effect?

11.              Why is acupuncture not a placebo effect?

12.              Why do acupuncturists not care whether acupuncture is a placebo effect?

13.              Is the placebo effect during an acupuncture treatment stronger than in other therapies?

14.              Is the Nora Five-element acupuncture mostly a placebo effect?

15.              My doctor does not believe in acupuncture. Do I have to believe in order to obtain results?

16.              Why are more and more people in Western countries seeking acupuncture treatment?

17.              What is the best way to solve the problem of rising healthcare costs?

18.              Is all acupuncture the same?

19.              What is medical acupuncture?

20.              Which kind of acupuncture is best?

21.              How does an acupuncturist practice acupuncture??

22.              How do acupuncturists choose acupuncture points?

23.              How much time is required for an acupuncture session?

24.              How many needles are used for each session of acupuncture?

25.              How often is acupuncture treatment needed?

26.              How many treatments will I need?

27.              Can acupuncture work with only one session?

28.              How long might the acupuncture healing effect last after each session?

29.              How much time is needed to feel a healing effect from acupuncture?

30.              What is meant by “acupuncture sensation”?

31.              What is an “along-meridian” sensation?

32.              What is a “faraway” acupuncture sensation?

33.              Why does an acupuncturist need to manipulate the inserted needle?

34.              How long is an acupuncture needle?

35.              How thick is an acupuncture needle

36.              Does a thick needle work better than a thin needle?

37.              How deep does an acupuncture needle need to be placed into the body?

38.              Why does acupuncture sometimes cause bleeding but usually not?

39.              Why do I feel an electric shock during acupuncture?

40.              Why are some spots more painful after acupuncture than others?

41.              What about the aura around the skin where the needle is inserted?

42.              Why do I feel more pain after acupuncture?

43.              I have pain on the left side of head, so why did the acupuncturist use a needle on my right foot?

44.              I have toe pain, so why did the acupuncturist use needles on my navel?

45.              When is the best time for the treatment of migraines?

46.              Can I move my body during an acupuncture treatment?

47.              Can I talk during an acupuncture treatment?

48.              Should I take deep breaths during an acupuncture treatment?

49.              What should I wear for acupuncture treatments?

50.              What do I need to do to prepare for an acupuncture session?

51.              What I should tell my acupuncturist?

52.              What should I tell my acupuncturist each time before acupuncture treatment?

53.              Are there any age requirements for acupuncture?

54.              Can acupuncture be used for pregnant women?

55.              Can acupuncture be used in patients in a coma or shock?

56.              What if I feel faint, dizzy, or nauseous?

57.              Are there times when acupuncture is better not used?

58.              Is it abnormal to fear a needle?

59.              Can I have a bath after my acupuncture treatment?

60.              Do I need to drink more water after acupuncture?

61.              Can I exercise after acupuncture?

62.              Can I continue to take conventional medicine while getting acupuncture?

63.              Should I tell my acupuncturist of any medications I am taking?

64.              What are maintenance tune-ups?

65.              Can I combine acupuncture with massage/chiropractic/osteopathic treatment/medication/exercise/etc.?

66.              Should I keep my appointment if I'm sick?

67.              What if I can't come for regular acupuncture treatments?

68.              I am afraid of needles. Are there any other ways of treatment?

69.              Which diseases may need acupuncture every year?

70.              How do I know if acupuncture is helping my condition?

71.              What are the side effects of acupuncture?

72.              Is acupuncture treatment more expensive than a conventional medical service?

73.              What is the correct way to compare the cost between acupuncture and other medical systems?

74.              How should the healing effect be compared after treatment?

75.              Is acupuncture covered by insurance?

76.              Do you do direct billing to the insurance company?

77.              I was in a car accident. Can you bill the insurance company for my treatments?

78.              Must a high-quality acupuncturist be friendly and personable?

79.              Which kinds of clients might an acupuncturist not want to see?

80.              Do I need to come for acupuncture even if I feel healthy?

81.              Why do acupuncturists need continuous updates on acupuncture knowledge?

82.              What is the best way to learn Chinese medicine?

83.              Why do some acupuncturists leave the acupuncture profession?

84.              What is the major difficulty for Western people to learn Chinese medicine?



Chapter 2: Basic questions about Chinese medicine


85.              Do all Chinese people go to acupuncture treatment?

86.              How can Chinese medicine still survive under the strong impact of Western medicine?

87.              What is the difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine?

88.              What are the advantages of Chinese medicine?

89.              What are the disadvantages of Chinese medicine?

90.              Will a combination of the Western medicine and Chinese medicine work better?

91.              How can one prove that Chinese medicine is one of the best major medical systems?

92.              Why do antibiotic sometimes work but not always?

93.              Is it better to use active components that are isolated and purified from herbs?

94.              Are there any side effects of Chinese herbal therapy?

95.              How does one learn Chinese medicine?

96.              What are Chinese medicine bibles?

97.              Why did the ancient Chinese believe that good Chinese medicine doctors should have knowledge about the sky-universe, the geographic environment, and common sense of human life?

98.              What does Qi mean in Chinese medicine?

99.              Why does Western medicine not study Qi?

100.          How does an acupuncturist diagnose diseases?

101.          How do Chinese medicine doctors collect information from patients to set up diagnosis?

102.          Why are there only about twelve to sixteen disease locations in Chinese medicine?

103.          Why does Chinese medicine summarize the nature of diseases into eight categories?

104.          What are disease-causing factors from a Chinese medicine point of view?

105.          How can Chinese medicine treat many different diseases with the same methods?

106.          Why Chinese medicine needs to treat the same disease with different remedies?

107.          How does Chinese medicine treat diseases?

108.          What is the primary aim of treatment in Chinese medicine?

109.          How is a disease transferred to different organs?

110.          What does it mean to treat a “non-yet disease” condition?

111.          Why can only Chinese medicine treat the “not-yet sick” condition?

112.          Why it is said that a disease becomes hard to treat if the patient has been given hormone replacement therapy for a long time?

113.          What is Chinese medicine’s opinion on vaccine injections?

114.          Does Chinese medicine not recommend cow’s milk?

115.          Why should we not drink too much water?

116.          Why should we have a balanced diet?

117.          Why do some people like to sleep late in the morning?

118.          How much sleep do we need?

119.          Why should we avoid getting up quickly and going outside right away after sleep?

120.          Is there any relationship between dreams and disease?

121.          Why we should restrict sexual activity?

122.          Why does Chinese medicine put a greater emphasis on keeping one’s emotions calm in health maintenance?

123.          Why should we keep warm in winter?

124.            Why should we tap a newborn baby on the back with the baby’s head down?

125.            What is the reason that one can see thing as its reverse mirror, such as seeing the letter p as d?


Chapter 3:  Chinese Medicine Diagnosis


126.          What is Six-Jing diagnosis?

127.          What are Chinese medicine doctors observing during diagnosis?

128.          What’s tongue diagnosis in Chinese medicine?

129.          What’s pulse diagnosis in Chinese medicine?

130.          What’s palm diagnosis in Chinese medicine?

131.          What’s eye diagnosis in Chinese medicine?

132.          What is the Yin and Yang concept?

133.          Why is the Yin-Yang symbol commonly used in Chinese medicine?

134.          Why is it very important to separate the Yin condition and the Yang condition?

135.          What is the Five-element theory?

136.          Why is there a different Five-element chart?

137.          What is the use of the Five-element theory in Chinese medicine?

138.          Why is a disease in the eyes regarded as a disease in the Liver in Chinese medicine?

139.          A patient tends to cry without any reason. Why does Chinese medicine say that it is a Lung disease?

140.          Why does Chinese medicine say that osteoporosis is a Kidney disease?

141.          What is the problem related to heavy dreaming at night?

142.          How can a doctor tell that there is problem in the Liver after seeing someone’s nails?

143.          Why does Chinese medicine pay attention to the taste of food and herbs?

144.          Why does Chinese medicine say that a bitter taste in the mouth indicates a Heart disease?

145.          Why can eating foods of only a single taste also cause diseases?

146.          Why does a Chinese medicine doctor say that a dark face color is a Kidney problem?

147.          Why does Chinese medicine say that we should not sit, stand, lie down, walk, or watch for long periods of time?

148.          What is meant by “Surface syndrome” and “Inner syndrome”?

149.          What is a deficient condition and an overwhelming condition?

150.          What is Cold syndrome and Hotness syndrome?

151.          What is the sister relationship between the organs?

152.          What is the organ system?

153.          Can Chinese medicine work to predict the time to have a disease, or the time the disease will become worse?

154.          What is Five Yun Six Qi theory?

155.          What is Zi Wei Dou Shu?

156.          What is House-room prediction?

157.          What is the face prediction system?

158.          Can you tell the level of intelligence of a person?

159.          Is there any way to predict the sudden or early death of a person?

160.          Why should a Chinese medicine doctor know such prediction techniques?

161.          How can you tell if a patient is about to die?

162.          How Chinese medicine save the life of a person who has drowned and been dead for twelve or even twenty-four hours?

163.          How can you tell if the life of a patient who suffered an accident can be saved?

164.          How can you tell the sex of a dead body in the river?

165.          How can you reduce the damage from a fall to a minimum level?

166.          How can you know if there is a bone fracture after an accident?

167.          What is the best way to reduce pain from neck stiffness in the morning?

168.          How can you tell if a patient has a kidney stone?

169.          How can you tell if a person has a gall bladder stone?

170.          How can you tell the nature of brain diseases?

171.          How can Chinese medicine predict lung cancer?

172.          How can Chinese medicine detect liver cancer?

173.          Can Chinese medicine tell if there is a tumor in the uterus?

174.          Why does a patient with cancer have cold feet and dry hands?

175.          Can Chinese medicine treat cancer?

176.          How does Chinese medicine diagnosis osteoporosis?

177.          How can one understand the mechanism of dizziness?

178.          How can you quickly determine whether abdomen pain is due to appendicitis?

179.          How can you know if there is accumulated dead blood inside the abdomen?

180.          I had a headache. Why did the doctor ask me about my bowel movement?

181.          Can Chinese medicine treat emergency conditions, such as cerebral hemorrhage, acute myocardial infarction, or heavy bleeding?

182.          Can Chinese medicine treat a patient in shock?

183.          Can Chinese medicine treat high blood pressure?

184.          How does Chinese medicine think about diabetes?

185.          What are the signs for stroke?

186.          Can Chinese medicine treat post-stroke patients?

187.          Can Chinese medicine treat acute infectious diseases?

188.          Can Chinese medicine treat AIDS?

189.          Can Chinese medicine treat a persistent vegetative state?



Chapter 4: Chinese Medicine Therapies


190.          Do acupuncturists also use other forms of treatment?

191.          Why do some acupuncturists also use herbal therapy, and others not?

192.          What is moxibustion therapy?

193.          What is cupping therapy?

194.          What is bleeding therapy?

195.          What is Gua-sha therapy?

196.          What is Fire acupuncture?

197.          What is floating acupuncture?

198.          What is electrical acupuncture?

199.          What is an acupuncture machine?

200.          What is dry needle therapy?

201.          What is water acupuncture?

202.          What is high-frequency electric spark acupuncture point injection therapy?

203.          What is small knife-needle acupuncture?

204.          What is embedding therapy?

205.          What is laser acupuncture?

206.          What is acupressure therapy?

207.          What are ear acupuncture and ear acupressure?

208.          What is the Zhenggu therapy?

209.          What is Chinese herbal therapy?

210.          What is Bianshi therapy?

211.          What is Daoyin?

212.          What is Qigong?

213.          What is Taiji quan?

214.            What is the Image-digit therapy?

215.          What is folk therapy?


Chapter 5:  Chinese Herbal Therapy


216.          Does Chinese medicine also believe that a common cold or flu is due to virus invasion? 

217.          How does Chinese medicine categorize the common cold?

218.          How long does a common cold typically last?

219.          How do we know that the common cold is becoming worse?

220.          Why might the common cold become worse?

221.          Should a patient inform their doctor that he or she drinks alcohol?

222.          What will happen if too much sweat is created by the treatment?

223.          In which conditions should sweat therapy not be used?

224.          Why do we have to be careful when treating a patient with Wetness in the middle part of the body??

225.          Why do we have to be careful when treating a patient with Yin deficiency in the body?

226.          Why do we have to be careful when treating a patient with Yang deficiency in the body?

227.          Why do we have to be careful when treating a female patient during her period?

228.          Why does a person vomit roundworm after a while after recovering from a common cold?

229.          Why should a person with a common cold not eat too much?

230.          Why should a person with a common cold not drink too much water?

231.          Why should a person with a common cold not be heated by fire?

232.          Why should a patient with a common cold not have a cold bath?

233.          Why does the patient have a fever and feel slightly annoyed after a severe disease?

234.          Why do we still use sweat therapy if it may cause so much trouble?

235.          Why does a person feel bitterness in the mouth and feel hot and chilly from time to time after getting a common cold?

236.          Why does a person feel fever, heavy sweat, thirst, and a cloudy mind after getting a common cold?

237.          Why may a person feel chilly, prefer hot drinks and food, dare not have cold drinks and cold food, have slight pain in the abdomen from time to time, and have more frequent bowel movements?

238.          Why does a patient feel tired, like to nap from time to time, have cold hands and feet, and have water-like diarrhea with non-digested food in the stool?

239.          Why does a patient have fever for some days and feels chilly for some other days, has cold hands and feet up to the elbow or knee, or has half the body hot and half the body cold, and even has bleeding in stool?

240.          Why should we try not to take antibiotics after getting a common cold or flu?

241.          Why does the heart beat faster after being scared?

242.          Why may a patient vomit food that he or she ate in a previous meal?

243.          How to treat heavy vomiting?

244.          Why does a patient feel discomfort in the upper stomach and desire to vomit?

245.          Why might a patient vomit whenever they eat and usually have acid reflux?

246.          Why does a patient vomit once the food enters his mouth?

247.          Why might a patient feel bloating in the lower abdomen after getting a common cold?

248.          Why might a patient feel hardness, bloating, and pain in the upper abdomen after getting a common cold?

249.          Can Chinese medicine treat kyphosis and pectus carinatum?

250.          Can Chinese medicine treat an ulcer that has been present for many years?

251.          Why does a patient always feel bloating in the upper stomach?

252.          How can we treat long-term diarrhea?

253.          How to treat a person who has stress-induced diarrhea?

254.          How to treat common cold with diarrhea?

255.          Why is a patient quiet, with no taste for any food and a white and thick tongue covering?

256.          Why does a patient easily feel full in the stomach once he starts to eat, and feel slightly annoyed after getting the fullness, and also have dizziness and less urine?

257.          Why does a patient have fever and heavy thirst, but drinking water dose not solve the thirst?

258.          Why did a patient have a fever at night after a common cold before, but now has fever in the afternoon?

259.          How does Chinese medicine treat arthritis?

260.          How does Chinese medicine treat arrhythmia?

261.          Why does a person have too much sweat in the hands and feet?

262.          Why does a person have itchy skin but no skin rash?

263.          How come a patient has pain in throat, but if there were no cough, there would be no pain?

264.          Why is a high fever without sweat?

265.          Why does a patient have high fever but no desire to drink water?

266.          How does a person have a fever after a heavy sweat?

267.          How can you tell if there is dried stool in the intestine?

268.          Why does a person have stool as small balls like a sheep’s stool?

269.          What does it mean that the stool is hard first but soft in a later part?

270.          Why can a person have no bowel movements for several days but not feel any discomfort?

271.          How can you know where the hard stool is causing a blockage inside the intestine?

272.          Why does a person always feel hungry, even if the person continues to eat?

273.          Can Chinese medicine treat swelling related to pregnancy?

274.          Can Chinese medicine treat difficult urination in pregnant women?

275.          Why does a patient feel pain in lower abdomen and have difficulty urinating?

276.          Can Chinese medicine treat amnesia?

277.          Can Chinese medicine treat jaundice?

278.          Can Chinese medicine change the body constitution for a person with cold hands and feet and prone to have pernio?

279.          Can Chinese medicine treat heavy vaginal discharge?

280.          Can Chinese medicine treat hernia and archoptoma?

281.          How many styles of herbal therapy in China?



Chapter 6: Healthcare for Women and Children


282.          How can you tell if a woman is able to get pregnant?

283.          How can you quickly know if the infertility is due to the male or female side?

284.          Can pregnancy occur only during the ovulation day?

285.          Why can a woman have no period during breastfeeding, but still get pregnant?

286.          Can Chinese medicine confirm a pregnancy?

287.          Can Chinese medicine predict the sex of the fetus?

288.          Can Chinese medicine protect pregnancy?

289.          How can you tell if abdominal pain in later pregnancy indicates labor?

290.          How does Chinese medicine treat the mal-position of a fetus?

291.          Can Chinese medicine speed up birth delivery?

292.         How can Chinese medicine treat chapped nipples?

293.          What can we do if the baby cannot suck out breast milk?

294.          Is it normal for a child to have frequent nose bleeding?

295.          How to treat cross eyes or squint of a child?

296.          What is the “Tian-he-shui” therapy for children with a high fever?

297.          How to use Tuina technique to treat diseases in children?

298.          How to treat a child who has been scared?

299.          Why do some children have half their face red and the other half white?

300.          How to treat diarrhea in a child?

301.          How to treat constipation in children?

302.          How to treat a child’s running nose?

303.          How to treat a common cold in children?

304.          What is the problem for a child who is late to start talking?

305.          How to treat ADHD in children?

306.          How to treat urticaria or hives in children?

307.          How treat eczema in children?

308.          How to treat poor sleep and sweat in children?

309.          How to treat bed-wetting?

310.          How can we tell the severity of a disease in a child?

311.          How to tell if there is roundworm in the body of a child?

312.          What to do if a child has no appetite?

313.            Can Chinese medicine work to improve body growth?

314.            What does Chinese medicine think about chicken pox?


Chapter 7: Folk Therapy in China


315.          Common cold

316.          Cough

317.          Eye bag

318.          Corns

319.          Hair loss

320.          Vomiting or hiccups

321.          Joint pain

322.          Mouth ulcers

323.          Tinea (ringworm)

324.          Trauma

325.          Urinary retention

326.          Warts

327.          Constipation during pregnancy

328.          Irritable fetus

329.          Nausea during pregnancy

330.          Swelling during pregnancy

331.          Heavy sweat in hands and feet

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