Acupuncture on Shi
Men point
Dr. Pu Zhong-lu
It is said in the old TCM book that, though
most acupuncture point can be used for needle stimulation, the
point called Shi Men should not be needled, since it may make
the women have no ability to have pregnancy. I don’t think that
this comment is always correct. Followings are my experience.
Patient Yang, 33 years of old. Complain
lower stomach pain due to exposure to cold weather and too
tired. She has been given pain killer and other herbs but none
works. She is sent to me next day. I saw she is with very
painful face, very cold in hands and feet. Her pulse felt deep
and thin, and her tongue is white and wet. I used acupuncture
treatment using pints of Shi Men, Zu San Li, and Zhong Yuan. Her
condition is gradually improved. Soon she can walk by herself
home. The treatment has been repeated three days and the pain
has completely disappeared.
Patient Chen, 20 years of old. Not married.
She complain that her period come always earlier each month. The
menstruation blood is small in volume and purple in color. She
felt bloating and ache in lower stomach and lower back. It has
been diagnosed as Painful menstruation and treated by various
ways with conventional medicine, so she came for acupuncture
treatment. When she came, her face and lips look red in color.
Her tongue covering is little yellow in color and little dry.
Her pulse felt deep and thin as a tight string. I tried
acupuncture Shi Men, San Yin Jiao and Qi Men, all with depleting
technique. The pain stop after hours. The treatment has been
repeated for several days to maintain the healing effects.
Follow up after one year verified that she has no any pain after
the treatment.
A patient, the name is unknown, is a Tibet women. She
want to have birth control with acupuncture. I used acupuncture
since her period is on time every month and her over body
condition is healthy too. I tried acupuncture point os Shi Men,
Ci Liao, He Gu and Qi Hai, all with depletion manipulation. The
acupuncture has been repeated before every period for three
days. However, she has been diagnosed with pregnancy! The
acupuncture failed to help her to prevent pregnancy, but it
clearly indicated that acupuncture on Shi Men point is not
enough to prevent pregnancy.
Patient Wang, a 33 years of old woman. When
she came, she had no period for 50 days and been told that she
is with pregnancy. She want to use acupuncture to stop the
pregnancy. I have tried acupuncture on point of Shi Men, San Yin
Jiao, He Gu and Ci Liao, all with depletion manipulation.
Acupuncture has been repeated for five days and failed to cause
Patient Yu, 16 years of old. She has normal
period. She complain very tired and has lower stomach pain. Her
period this time is much in amount. Typical treatment by
conventional medicine failed to release the symptoms so she came
for acupuncture. She was given moxibustion on the point of She
Men, Zu San Li, Bai Hui, Shen Shu. Her period bleeding reduced
dramatically the same afternoon. After continuous treatment for
seven days, the period finished completely. She returned to
normal school life.
Based on the clinic experience above, my
personal idea is that whether the point Shi Men can be used or
not, whether acupuncture or moxibustion on it will reduce the
ability of the women to pregnancy is not easy to tell. Each
patient is different and no enough clinic data suggest that
acupuncture on the She Men point will be an effective way to
prevent pregnancy or cause baby delivery. On the other side,
acupuncture on any point should be careful if the acupuncture
may disturb the fetus living environment, not only means that it
is more dangerous for this specific point.